1. I have three MakeyMakeys. I managed to score three OLD desktops, that my awesome tech was able to doctor up and get in good condition, and they are the dedicated MakeyMakey stations. I keep Play-Doh, tin foil, spoons, and other "conductive" items handy for making. I also have a littleBits MakeyMakey and two MakeyMakeyGos.
2. littleBits. I have a station where kids are building -- remote controlled cars, bubble blowing machines, music synthesizers -- with littleBits. I have bought multiple sets, but the best set by far was the Gadgets & Gizmos set. I am working with our school's Technology Student Association chapter, and they are helping me build an awesome littleBits space as part of one of their conference events.
3. Meccanoid robot -- I liked the idea of this one, but it tends to stay in a trillion pieces more than it's put together, but it may just be my kids. It's supposed to do awesome things, but my kids won't leave it assembled.
4. Structural Engineering with: solo cups, Legos, MagnaTiles, dominoes. It's flat out amazing what the kids will build with CUPS. -- Check out my school's Twitter/Instagram/Facebook page for pics (@PGMVikings). We also have a shake table to see how sturdy the creations are.

6. BB8 -- Kids LOVE to drive BB8 all around the library.

9. Knitting/Crocheting -- I have no idea how to do this, but I have yarn and needles and BOOKS, and the kids figure it out themselves.
10. Coloring -- I print out huge poster sized coloring sheets for kids to sit together and color -- it's so therapeutic. THEN, when it is completed, I have all the students sign their names to their work of art and hang them in the library.
11. Origami....Scrapbooking....Jewelry Making -- depends on how much stock I have to do these things...

13. I brought in my Canon Rebel camera and zoom lens for kids to learn digital photography. I lucked up again with an old laptop, loaded it up with editing software and a link to the PicMonkey site (picmonkey.com) and Canva (canva.com).
14. Stuff to take apart -- old keyboards, mice, headphones, phones, a video camera. Kids LOVE to take stuff apart and see what it looks like on the inside. Keep a good stash of screwdrivers!!

16. I also moved our die-cut machine out into the library. Kids are forever using it for projects or for scrapbooking, making cards... They use it far more than the teachers ever did!!
All of these (14-16) are housed as seen in the picture in bins stored on the shelves that WERE my Reference section. I weeded and relocated all of those books to make room for MakerSpace supplies.