Thursday, March 16, 2017

Fail to Plan...Plan to Fail

Doing some research on the value (as we all know it) of collaborative planning between classroom teachers and library media specialists. I wanted to create a common planning document that I would print out into poster size, bring to our weekly professional learning, and have each academic area teachers, CTAE, fine arts, and PE add their plans for the year. This will serve TWO functions --

1.  If I know what everyone is teaching and when, I can better meet their informational needs; and
2.  Maybe someone might look at the planning document and realize it would be better to teach curriculum standard Q while someone else is teaching curriculum standard N.  Always be intentional!

I created the document as a calendar of sorts because I also wanted to include national celebrations and holidays to be helpful in planning.  Here's the document I came up with. Feel free to use it. I created it in Canva -- super awesome (FREE) graphic design website -- and here's the link to the file.

Here's the embedded copy of the file:

August Planning Sheet by Heather Morin

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ok, well....

Well poo. I WANTED to do March Madness via Kahoot! appears that Kahoot doesn't have all the snazzy features I thought it did.... Anyway.... I created a ballot via Google Forms...Here's the link:

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March Madness for Books -- Field of 16

Getting a late start, but we are kicking off our March Madness for Books with voting for the Field of 16.  Rather than do voting through a Google Form, I thought I might get better participation with a Kahoot! that will be shared to teachers via email and through the PGM News.

Here's the link to my Kahoot:

This year, our Field of 16 was compiled by student suggestions through a Google Form. Our 16 include:

1. The Crossover - Alexander
2. Booked - Alexander
3. Stargirl - Spinelli
4. Wonder - Palacio
5. Black Butler (series) - Toboso
6. Love, Stargirl - Spinelli
7. Old School (Wimpy Kid) - Kinney
8. City of Glass - Clare
9. Prisoner B-3087 - Gratz
10. Bone (series) - Smith
11. Series of Unfortunate Events - Snicket
12. Fish in a Tree - Hunt
13. A Dog Named Slugger - Brill
14. Paper Towns - Green
15. Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library - Grabenstein
16. Lions of Little Rock - Levine